First aid kits must be placed in areas that are easily accessible during all working hours, including during night shifts and overtime. They should not be locked away in cabinets or rooms that are not accessible to all staff at all times.
Other important considerations:
First aid kits should be clearly visible or marked with signage that indicates their location.
High-risk areas, such as kitchens, workshops, or areas where machinery is operated, may require more immediate access to first aid kits compared to lower-risk areas like offices.
In larger workplaces, or those spread over multiple levels or buildings, several first aid kits should be provided. Each kit should be strategically placed to ensure no employee is too far from one during an emergency.
For workplaces with specific hazards, such as chemicals or dangerous equipment, additional first aid kits should be placed nearer to these risks. For example, if a workplace uses hazardous chemicals, a first aid kit with appropriate treatments for chemical exposure should be readily available.
For employees who are mobile or work outside the usual workplace environment, portable first aid kits should be provided. These kits should be carried in company vehicles or as part of the equipment for workers in the field.
First aid kits should be installed at a height that is reachable by all potential users, including those who might be in a seated position, such as wheelchair users. The recommended installation height is between 900 mm and 1100 mm from the floor.